Smart cities are becoming more commonplace in our modern age, with technology leading the way in urban planning and development. But what are the potential dangers of this new technology-driven trend? This article seeks to explore the potential risks associated with smart cities and how they could potentially affect us.
In smart cities, technology is used to create a built environment that is efficient, safe, healthy, and prosperous. This new urban development relies on the Internet of Things (IoT) to create a city experience that is interactive, automated, and responsive to citizens’ needs. As smart cities are becoming more varied and complex, there are some potential dangers that need to be considered.
First, a lack of privacy and security for citizens is a potential risk. With the massive influx of connected devices, systems, and networks, hackers or other malicious parties could easily access data, manipulate information, and disrupt services – resulting in significant economic and personal disruption. Additionally, with connected citizens, there is the issue of data privacy, including the use and sale of private citizen data for economic or political gain. Making sure citizens’ information is secure and private is a must to avoid a loss of trust.
Second, over-regulation of economic freedom and personal liberties could be a problem. The advanced automation, sensors, and cameras used to improve efficiency and safety in a smart city could cause the government to become an invader of privacy in the form of increased surveillance and regulation. This could disrupt the free market with over-regulation that could stifle the creativity and innovation that is often the lifeblood of cities.
Finally, the potential dangers of public infrastructure issues are a major concern. Depending on the quality of the technology used, a major incident could create a major impact on citizens’ lives – from failing traffic signals, to systems that become overwhelmed and require manual operation resulting in disruption of services.
Crowd vast amounts of people into small areas is like a prison. Restricting their ability to leave brings into question the rise of crime. We all see how crime has prevailed in some communities where people were restricted and not allowed to leave in the past. This brings destruction to humanity in general.
Not to mention the vast amounts of radiation from the technology required to monitor a smart city. Data suggests that exposure to high amounts of EMF radiation increased general unwellness and promotes disease states that current medical and healthcare refuses to acknowledge.
This leads into the limiting of life choice, health choice and general personal and bodily autonomy. The “powers that be” including WEF are working to make these smart cities a reality because they want control of you. The more control, the better their options are at culling the herd – The human herd.
Smart cities do not have great potential to improve urban living, because the potential risks must be addressed if we are to safeguard citizens and optimise the experience. It is vital for governments, businesses, and citizens to work together to create intelligent systems that are secure, regulated, and managed in a way that maximises safety, privacy, and convenience. While there is no denying that smart cities bring a great deal of potential for those who do not have the resources to excel otherwise, this article has aimed to highlight some of the dangers and potential impacts associated with smart cities and how to protect citizens from harm.