Okay maybe I would believe this if there wasn’t a call for vaccinated hospital staff to still where a mask.
Yes thats right, I work in a healthcare and I just got crap for pulling my mask down to catch my breath while 20 to 25 meters away from everyone that are working the area. Not only that, I just tested negative for the virus.
I have done Natural BioEnergetics work on myself of which has been notes in an actual study to decrease symptoms. Oh, I forgot, they don’t accept natural health techniques even though they usually work better than their own intervention.
Apparently this new delta variant is really smart too. I can have my mask off when I sit in the cafeteria to eat with my co-workers while six feet apart and not get sick. But when I work in my department (where only employees are present) it is way more contagious even when I am 20 to 25 meters away from my co-workers.
Even though the medical and media try to say that the delta is predominantly only affecting its unvaccinated people, the hospitals on the other hand are implementing protocol that indicates otherwise. That’s probably because studies are indicating that the vaccine has caused the delta variant.
Israel is finding equal numbers of vaccinated people to unvaccinated people are coming down with the variant. The more severe break throguh cases are in the elderly.
Some doctors are beginning to speak out about this madness. Unfortunately, they are being mocked and censored for just standing up to true science. Apparently, in this past year, true science has become a thing of the past and has been replaced with fake or pseudo science that has gone against the grain of everything discovered for the past 200 years, developed and implemented.
Doesn’t matter that you and I have a right to catch a clean breath of air because apparently our rights are to suffocate now all due to a virus that has a less than 1 % chance of killing most of us. It doesn’t matter if you call out their pseudo science. It doesn’t matter if you need oxygen to live, or you get asthmatic Symptoms from masking, or you have a anxiety disorder that gives you panic attacks. You now don’t have even a right to live anymore.
What I am calling out for people to start doing is writing up WCB claims to their work places. Higher premiums for them may be the answer. Use every available resource at your work place to at least allow you to catch your breath when alone.
Do not quite you jobs over Vaccine or Mask Mandates. The mandates are illegal. But do suit yourself up with the right forms, affidavits necessary in your area. Someone said to me on a Fb group by doing these forms and affidavits, you are admitting that you agree with the mandates. But that is not right. You are showing them that you are willing to fight for what is right.