Fact Checked by Choice Vitality
There used to be a time not so long ago when one could type in a health based search parameter and include the words “natural health”or “holistic health” and be returned a multitude of reputable sites with loads of information. Lately I have noticed that those same search parameters have greatly diminished returns.
“Back in the day” is really only a few months ago. Even last year, those search parameters returned a whole different ball game and Google would be quick to ascertain from your search habits what you want. But today is much different.
In February 2021, I started using a search engine called Presearch. It was a decentralized search engine that seemed to bring in a more balanced search request. Like Duck Duck Go, it stripped your identity away in the searches to assure you complete anonymity.
But more importantly, I found, that the searches yielded more value content. Let’s compare my own collection of websites. More pages were listed when I did a search on them, including this website.
Recently, I found searching anywhere had been tricky when it comes to searching topics like Covid, mRNA vaccinations, vaccination side effects, etc. Apparently the deplatforming has been done so well that even those search engines that do not cater to that act of censorship can’t find results buried deep among the bull crap of the leftist’s posted information.
What the leftist movement can’t censor everything so they are bombarding the internet with fake news so the truth is buried. But the truth is still out there. You just need to look. Sites like mine are buried in the miles of misinformation that the left wing is claiming to be truth.
And of those truth bearing websites, the leftist movement has ironically named as contraband and called them misinformation spreaders. It is interesting to see if these sites take on these propaganda spreaders in the battlefield of the court room under the guise of slander or even worse – constitutional law.
Here are some sites that you can still trust for health news. Yes some of them are stated to be misinformation spreaders. However, from my experience, they are the only ones willing to stand up to truth. Book mark these sites as they are becoming harder to find.
Dr. Mercola
He has endured many attacks over the years for his holistic information provided but never more than he has this past year. He has pulled back from many social media platforms. The New York Times listed him as the most influential spreader of Covid 19 misinformation.
Misinformation by whose standard? Science or the new pseudo science of today’s movement. When Covid began and there was no vaccine, dr. Mercola dutifully delivered life saving information on how to change your lifestyle to boost your immunity like increasing Vitamin D, C, Zinc and more. Basic information all doctors should be giving to their patients. And even if it doesn’t prevent the dreaded Covid infection, it should minimize the effects.
But apparently trying to teach people good self care to boost your immunity is spreading misinformation. And giving basic information that could safe someone’s life in a fight with a novel virus is voodoo’s today.
Recently Dr. Mercola announced that all his old posts would be removed and anything new will only be up for 48 hours. This is probably due to the latest attacks on his organization. You can get access to those short term posts at Dr. Mercola’s Website.
Robert F. Kennedy Junior and the Defender
Robert Kennedy Junior, has spent a lifetime defending environmental and vaccination claims. His website – the Defender – holds a wealth of current news items on not only the vaccine front but other controversial areas including environmental. The Defender is a part of the Children’s Health Defense.
RJK has been listed by the leftist movement as one of the top misinformation spreaders but the information he provides is factual and based on evidence. Many of the articles on his website reach deep into the stats of the VAERS website produced by the CDC.
You can also follow him on Telegram
Ty and Charlene Bolinger – TTAV and TTAC.
This family produced two very good docuseries about vaccines and cancer. They both hold factual, evidence based information that both Big Pharma and the leftist movement do not want you to hear and they are backed up from medical doctors and researchers.
Both Websites carry a wealth of information. By signing up on their email list you will be put on their mailing list. Yes, they too have been unfoundedly listed as one of the top vaccine misinformation spreaders. You can also follow them on Telegram.
Dr. Rashid Buttar
This guy is a rebel with a cause. He is one of the most black listed doctors out there. And he is very passionate for the cause. No one likes him because he spreads truth on health issues. He is not afraid of a scuffle and will not back down to authorities. And although he is credited with spreading vaccine hesitancy, you would be far better to listen to him with a medical degree than a hospital administrator or politician with no degree.
Most of his social media platforms have been shut down but he does have a new video streaming platform that he has release his videos on. If anyone is going to defy the socialist views of today, it will be Dr. Buttar.
He has a few websites but the easiest place to find him is on Telegram with over 20 491 subscribers on the list. He provides new and information for all who subscribe.
Erin Elizabeth – Health Nut News
I have followed this site for years. Erin’s Reputation to dig deep into the issues precedes her. And that is why her unpopularity persists in the leftist/marxist movement.
Erin was the first to unearth and report on the murdered doctor’s series where more than 100 doctors have been murdered. Many of which were made to look like suicides and many of which were supporters of holistic studies. These Murdered doctor series even caught the eye of mainstream media where it had been referenced in Top shows like Criminal Minds.
Today Erin is marked as one of the top spreaders of Vaccine misinformation despite the fact that her information is truthful and factual. She often reports on the atrocities of the other side as well pointing out the flaws in their own stories. This of course does not win her brownie points however her followers love her.
You can follow Erin at Health Nut News or on her Telegram Channel.
Other available sources
Of course, these are only a few the trustworthy health sites out there. There are also a few news sites that will often report on truth however big news, big pharma and big government would discourage you from even looking there. Interestingly, wilkepedia calls them Alternative News as if they are not as important. However, I would say that their news holds more weight that the left supported news sites. Among these sites include:
One-sided information
One thing to remember, one sided information is not always good. Some of the sites above are good at showing both sides. One thing you need to do is research information yourself.
What I have found, is the left wing depiction of the above sites is not what you see. They would have you believe that all of them are spreading misinformation. None of the above, if my research, have posted anything to say vaccines don’t work. But they are quoting facts on the mishaps and cautions people should wake up and look at.
It is a known fact that those that are the most guilty yell the loudest. And maybe we should take a look at those yelling misinformation. Is it really the above sites spreading misinformation or is it the pro-vaccine spreading the misinformation. And just taking someones opinion as fact isn’t enough. Check out all sources and make a decision for yourself. You might soon find out that the facts presented on the pro-vaccine side are not as factual as once thought.