The government swears that the unV’d are the ones dominating the hospital. That the Unv’d are using valuable resources and taking them from the V’d. And that the unV’d are idiots for not getting the V?
Social media is a buzz about this. Those against and those for the new mandatory policies being forced into place. A new type of apartheid is emerging. It’s not based on black or white. It’s based on medical choice.
Some are for medical choice. Some are against it. But if we loose medical choice, what other choice will we loose?
But interestingly enough, private groups are popping up everywhere. And some people within these groups are reporting that friends and family members, who are healthcare workers, are being gag ordered and threatened to shut up about what is really happening, the real stats, etc. Too many of these reports are being reported to be considered conspiracy theory.
Here is what I know. I work on both side of the coin. My original training is in everyday healthcare. Thirty years ago I trained and for the majority of those 30 years I have made a fairly decent career in there. However in the last decade, I saw things moving in the wrong decade. First in Management and not in the overall picture. I can say that the medical group as a whole have become very good at covering their ass. I saw this years ago.
That was when I started preparing for a career in holistic health. Today, working in both areas, more than every, I have to say I would rather be in the holistic health full time. Now, worse than ever, I see the medical misinformation originating from the medical side of the narrative and not the natural health or Freedom Fighter side.
Here is what I have witnessed in the last few months. As Delta rises, I see only a half rise in the statistics of once we once had. I do not see hospitals overwhelmed. Yes, I may see more coming into the ER some days but most can be sent home to recover. Of those that come into the hospital with the virus, most appear to be double V’d. There are a few that come in that are not V’d. But what I mostly see are those that are double V’d.
The statistics in my province show that to. However, the UnV’d stats seem to be distorted according to what I see. The double V’d seem to have a higher incident over the single V’d and recent information I attained may seem to have the answer to that. The audio below gives a description of each V and how it affects our body. This may account for why we are seeing a higher amount of Fully V’d people having a higher incident of delta infections which I have referred to before as a mutation occurring in response to surviving the vaccines.
You hear that unV’d have a harsher response to the delta. Some doctors say that is true. Some doctors say it isn’t. I cannot account for it as I am not seeing unV’d getting sick. I am not saying that they are not acquiring the delta. All I saying is that I have not seen one seriously sick person with the delta. Either they are all staying home or the statistics are intentionally falsely misleading the public.
If they are having a harder time that the Fully vaccinated, the reason could also be accounted for by the above recording. If your body is damaged so much that it cannot launch a proper immune attack, you may not see the response.
In Holistic health, symptoms mean the body is responding properly. Yes it may be uncomfortable but if you suppress those uncomfortable feelings such as fever, aches, chills etc, you also suppress your body’s immune system from fighting and learning who the invader is so it can launch a full frontal attack faster in the future. That is how your immune system works.
So if you are uncomfortable, the last thing you want to do is go get anti-virals, pain relievers, Tylenol, etc. All they do is slow or impede your body’s built in system to fight and remember. Avoid hospitalization at any request. Stay home and eat plenty of chicken soup. If you have the ivermectin/Vit D/Vit C/Quercertin/Melatonin protocol, stick to it making sure you have been given the proper dosage. No Ivermectin was not originally a horse drug. It was originally a human drug and for several decades has been used for other types of coronavirus, parasites and more.
Also homemade forms of quinine can be made (hydroxchloraquin is a form of quinine) can be made. Here is a very easy recipe to make your own. Or you can buy tonic water. Either can be quite bitter so adding honey may be beneficial for both taste and as a natural antibiotic.
Whether you use homemade quinine, tonic water or you use the ivermectin protocol, it is important that you utilize the right supplement combination to aid your body in the fight. It is safe to you 5000 IU of Vitamin D and up. Front loading even higher for the first few days is excellent as well. High amounts of Vitamin C also should be added to equip the body right. And studies have shown that Melatonin to help in these infections as well. Adding zinc is also beneficial.
All people should have a minumum of this in their daily intake in times of increased transmission anyhow like in the flu season. Benefits are not just for infection but also for reducing inflammation from other sources as well. Winter months are especially hard on people and their Vitamin D needs. All people should be supplementing this for this vitamin in the Winter months anyhow.
Masking, hiding and vaccination will not protect you from the V contrary to what the powers that be would have you think. Good sensible self-care is what you need. Use it sensibly. And if you acquire any infection that migrates past the simple stay at home symptoms, that is when you seek further professional help.