Canada has been trying to regulate our natural health products for years. Now is the time to mobilize against this because Trudeau snuck in legislation on the budget bill (C-47) to severely restrict our access to these products last June.
Holistic minded Canadians have stopped this a few times in the past but this time there was no consultation. Apparently, the government thinks holistic health products are dangerous. And apparently this is the only country they are harmful in.
Other countries regard natural health products as food grade therefore the regulation is minimal. Canada has decided that they are now drugs and is now implementing new outrageous fees on each product. Potentially ten’s of thousands of dollars could be required to market every herbal SKU. Even personal care is not exempt from these new regulations.
Companies will be starting to pack it in. Because of this, Canadians will not have the access they once had. Fines of non-compliance could 5 million a day. For some companies, this is unacceptable and too risky.
According to the Trudeau government, natural health products kill people. We all know that is untrue. However drug reactions do kill. One of the leading causes of death is drugs reactions and interactions while being taken properly as recommended.
It makes us wonder if there is an alternative agenda?
For sure, there is an alternative agenda. And here are some possibilities;
- Many used alternative natural health products to help them in both prevention and cure during the pandemic
- Big Pharma is loosing billions to natural health products. NH products make you better. Big pharma doesn’t want that.
- The government eventually want to ban the use of these products all together and control what you use to keep well, eat and more.
- Then there is always the depopulation agenda
Now is the time to stand up. You can do that by first of all following the which is a site fighting for this cause. Secondly you can join in any cause they put out whether it is emailing MP’s, volunteering or more.